Soma Yoga Series: Do Less with More Intention

Image for Soma Yoga Series: Do Less with More Intention


6- week series: Mondays 4:15 - 5:15pm March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 & April 7 $90 for the series - Sliding scale is available if cost is a barrier. 15 State St. - 3rd Floor - Suite #303 - Elevator Access Available Attending via Zoom is also an option Conscious movement matters and learning to Do Less with More Intention is a gift we can give to ourselves and the world around us. ​ Come explore this melding of somatic movement practices and therapeutic yoga to discover synchronous, easeful movement and breath throughout your whole body. Movement explorations are based in Thomas Hanna Somatics (which has its root in Feldenkrais) and weaves in other therapeutic movement modalities as well. A majority of the movement will be done on the floor as this allows the body to explore new movement patterns outside of our regular, vertical experience with gravity. Sitting and standing explorations will be offered as well. This class is created with individuality in mind. Movement will be guided and making the movements your own is encouraged. This class will have an anatomical and nervous system approach to exploring movement and breath. All are welcome. If you are unsure about if this class is suitable for you, please be in touch.
