Somatic Bodywork for wellbeing - 90 min. Private Session

Image for Somatic Bodywork for wellbeing - 90 min. Private Session


You live in your own, unique body, with your own individualized habits and patterns. Your own histories, injuries, mindset, stressors, etc. All of this impacts how you move, how you breathe, how you feel - how you experience life. Neuromuscular re-education (brain work), breath awareness, understanding how your body is built to move and experiential knowledge of interoception (ability to notice how one feels internally, "how am I") and proprioception (where one is in space) are keys to navigating our lives from a place of ease-fulness. They are the foundation needed to create change. But first, you need to build awareness. How is your unique nervous system responding: To immediate and long-term experiences? To Daily use patterns? To transitional times in life? To growing older? To coping with life’s ups and downs? To injury or pain? Trauma-informed care and education. Effective, practical and empowering bodywork sessions.
