Somatic Movement TUES 8-9am

Image for Somatic Movement TUES  8-9am


IN-PERSON or ZOOM $17 with sliding scale options available if $17 is a financial barrier to attending. Typical sliding scale is $10 - $17. Joining via zoom? Register here and Here's zoom link info below: Joining in-person? Register here. Class location is: 15 State St. - 3rd Floor - Suite #303 - Montpelier. Elevator Access Available. A gentle, mindful, movement class that is brain-based; enhancing quality of movement, one’s understanding of their breathe and body, and exploring the vital role movement plays in life. You’ll explore neuromuscular re-education, while unraveling tension and holding patterns that reside in your body. We connect inward to self-regulate our nervous system & also explore simple ways to bring what you learn in class into daily life. It’s a Re-Education of the communication pathways between brain, muscles and other soft tissue, and bones. This allows for greater Freedom and Function in all the activities you love and want to continue to do throughout your life.
